Message topic: What is Truth?

Pours this episode:

  • Old Forrester 1920 Prohibition
  • Calumet Farm 15
  • 2XO The Phoenix Blend (Featured Pour)


In this episode, JB and Fancy Rob discuss the concept of absolute truth and its importance in our lives. They focus on the story of Jesus being brought before Pilate and highlight the fact that truth is not subjective, but rather someone – Jesus himself. The hosts emphasize the need to know and allow the truth of Jesus to transform our lives. They then turn to the feature pour from 2XO with the Phoenix Blend bourbon.


  • The hosts continue their series on one-on-one with Jesus, discussing the question of what is truth.

  • Truth is not subjective, but a person—Jesus.

  • Knowing the truth in Jesus sets us free.

  • Allowing the truth of Jesus to transform us leads to a new life.

  • The absolute truth of Jesus is the foundation of our faith.

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